Happy Spring!


Happy Ostara! Happy Spring to everyone! I know some of us thought it would never come. I for one am looking forward to getting outdoors more now that the weather is warming up. I love snow, but I’m excited to see things growing again (maybe I’ll go out looking for a tree monster too!)

There are a lot of exciting things in the works this year, and I look forward to sharing that all with you. For starters, I am finishing up the final draft of Without A Star. I started this many, many years ago as my own retelling of my favorite story, The Little Prince. It’s grown and changed a lot since then. There was a lot of abandoning it and starting again only to abandon it once more. But, with a lot of patience and determination, it’s finally near the finish line. Look out for more details soon.

I have a few other plans for the year, resurrecting projects on hiatus, as well as sharing things I’d completely forgotten about. Last year was a bit thin on content, so I hope to do better this year.

And if you hadn’t seen already, the newest chapter book is out! The Space Monster was published late February and is available for purchase. Be sure to check it out, and keep an eye out for future updates!

Take care,


The Year Ahead

A lot of exciting things are in the works for this year. The next chapter book in the "Monster" series will be coming out later this year. The Space Monster script was sent to the very talented Jackie Hahn so she can bring the story to life with her incredible illustrations. (By the way, check out Jackie's store for lots of great things)

In addition to the Space Monster, I am hard at work finishing (finally!!!) the newest draft of Without A Star. This was the first major project I started as a writer and has gone through numerous changes. It began as an homage to my favorite book, The Little Prince, but has since become more than that. Once this draft is complete the editing can begin and we will maybe see a winter release date!

FALLEN has been on hiatus for some time, but I believe we are closer to getting it back up and running. Look out for more updates around summertime.

Finally, there are a few other smaller projects I'm working on. I have some short stories that fit into the same world as Without A Star that i hope to publish as a companion piece, as well as separately in various publications (if all goes well).

So that's what I've been up to. I look forward to everything this year will bring, and hope you all are excited as well.

Take care,